Koan es6katas, 16: object-literal – computed properties

// 16: object-literal - computed properties
// To do: make all tests pass, leave the assert lines unchanged!

describe('Object literal properties may be computed values', () => {

  it('a computed property `x` needs to be surrounded by `[]`', () => {
    const propertyName = 'x';
    const obj = {[propertyName]: 1};
    assert.equal(obj.x, 1);

  it('can also get a function assigned', () => {
    const key = 'func';
    const obj = {[key]: ()=> 'seven'};
    assert.equal(obj.func(), 'seven');

  it('the key may also be the result of a function call', () => {
    const getName = () => 'propertyName';
    const obj = {[getName()]:() => {return 'seven'}};
    assert.equal(obj.propertyName(), 'seven');

  it('the key can also be constructed by an expression', () => {
    const what = 'tyName';
    const obj = {['proper' + what]: true};
    assert.equal('propertyName' in obj, true);

  xit('accessor keys can be computed names too', () => {
    const obj = {
      set ['key'](_) {return 1}
    assert.equal(obj.key, 1);