Koan es6katas, 57: Default parameters – basics

// 57: Default parameters - basics
// To do: make all tests pass, leave the assert lines unchanged!

describe('default parameters make function parameters more flexible', () => {

  it('define it using an assignment to the parameter `function(param=1){}`', function() {
    let number = (int=0) => int;
    assert.equal(number(), 0);

  it('it is used when undefined is passed', function() {
    let number = (int = 23) => int;
    const param = undefined;
    assert.equal(number(param), 23);

  it('it is not used when a value is given', function() {
    function xhr(method) {
      return method;  
    assert.equal(xhr('POST'), 'POST');

  it('it is evaluated at run time', function() {
    let defaultValue = 42;
    function xhr(method = `value: ${defaultValue}`) {
      return method;  
    assert.equal(xhr(), 'value: 42');
    defaultValue = 23;

  it('it can also be a function', function() {
    function defaultValue(){};
    function fn(value = defaultValue()) {
      return value;  
    assert.equal(fn(), defaultValue());


Koan es6katas, 8: block scope – const

// 8: block scope - const
// To do: make all tests pass, leave the asserts unchanged!

describe('`const` is like `let` plus read-only', () => {

  describe('scalar values are read-only', () => {

    it('number', () => {
      const constNum = 0;
      //constNum = 1;
      assert.equal(constNum, 0);

    it('string', () => {
      const constString = 'I am a const';
      //constString = 'Cant change you?';
      assert.equal(constString, 'I am a const');

  const notChangeable = 23;

  it('const scope leaks too', () => {
    assert.equal(notChangeable, 23);
  describe('complex types are NOT fully read-only', () => {

    it('array', () => {
      const arr = [42, 23];
      //arr[0] = 0;
      assert.equal(arr[0], 42);
    it('object', () => {
      const obj = {x: 1};
      obj.x = 3;
      assert.equal(obj.x, 3);



Koan es6katas, 7: block scope – let

// 7: block scope - let
// To do: make all tests pass, leave the asserts unchanged!

describe('`let` restricts the scope of the variable to the current block', () => {

  describe('`let` vs. `var`', () => {

    it('`var` works as usual', () => {
      if (true) {
        var varX = true;
      assert.equal(varX, true);
    it('`let` restricts scope to inside the block', () => {
      if (true) {
        let letX = true;
      assert.throws(() => console.log(letX));

  describe('`let` usage', () => {
    it('`let` use in `for` loops', () => {
      let obj = {x: 1};
      for (let key in obj) {}
      assert.throws(() => console.log(key));
    it('create artifical scope, using curly braces', () => {
        let letX = true;
      assert.throws(() => console.log(letX));


Koan es6katas, 6: arrow functions – binding**

// 6: arrow functions - binding
// To do: make all tests pass, leave the asserts unchanged!

class LexicallyBound {
  getFunction() {
    return () => {
      return this;
  getArgumentsFunction() {
    return () => {
      return arguments

describe('arrow functions have lexical `this`, no dynamic `this`', () => {
  it('bound at definition time, use `=>` ', function() {
    var bound = new LexicallyBound();
    var fn = bound.getFunction();
    assert.strictEqual(fn(), bound);
  it('can NOT bind a different context', function() {
    var bound = new LexicallyBound();
    var fn = bound.getFunction();
    var anotherObj = bound;
    var expected = anotherObj;
    assert.strictEqual(fn.call(anotherObj), expected);
  it('`arguments` doesnt work inside arrow functions', function() {
    var bound = new LexicallyBound();
    var fn = bound.getArgumentsFunction();
    assert.equal(fn(1, 2).length, 0);


Koan es6katas, 5: arrow functions – basics

// 5: arrow functions - basics
// To do: make all tests pass, leave the asserts unchanged!

describe('arrow functions', function() {

  it('are shorter to write', function() {
    var func = () => 'I am func';

    assert.equal(func(), 'I am func');

  it('a single expression, without curly braces returns too', function() {
    var func = () => 'I return too';
    assert.equal(func(), 'I return too');

  it('one parameter can be written without parens', () => {
    var func = p => p - 1;
    function func2(val){
      return val - 1;
    assert.equal(func(25), 24);
    assert.equal(func2(25), 24);

  it('many params require parens', () => {
    var func = (param,param1) => param + param1;
    assert.equal(func(23, 42), 23+42);

  it('body needs parens to return an object', () => {
    var func = () => ({iAm: 'an object'});
    assert.deepEqual(func(), {iAm: 'an object'});



Koan es6katas, 21: spread – with-strings

// 21: spread - with-strings
// To do: make all tests pass, leave the assert lines unchanged!

describe('spread with strings', () => {

  it('simply spread each char of a string', function() {
    const [a, b] = [...'ab'];
    assert.equal(a, 'a');
    assert.equal(b, 'b');

  it('extracts each array item', function() {
    const [a,b,c] = [...'12'];
    assert.equal(a, 1);
    assert.equal(b, 2);
  it('works anywhere inside an array (must not be last)', function() {
    const letters = ['a', ...'bcd', 'e', 'f'];
    assert.equal(letters.length, 6);
  it('dont confuse with the rest operator', function() {
    const [...rest] = [...'1234', '5'];
    assert.deepEqual(rest, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
  it('passed as function parameter', function() {
    const max = Math.max(...[1,2,3,4,5]);
    assert.deepEqual(max, 5);


Koan es6katas, 20: spread – with-arrays

// 20: spread - with-arrays
// To do: make all tests pass, leave the assert lines unchanged!

describe('spread with arrays', () => {

  it('extracts each array item', function() {
    const [a, b] = [...[1, 2]];
    assert.equal(a, 1);
    assert.equal(b, 2);

  it('in combination with rest', function() {
    const [a, b, ...rest] = [...[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]];
    assert.equal(a, 1);
    assert.equal(b, 2);
    assert.deepEqual(rest, [3, 4, 5]);

  it('spreading into the rest', function() {
    const [...rest] = [...[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]];
    assert.deepEqual(rest, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);

  describe('used as function parameter', () => {
    it('prefix with `...` to spread as function params', function() {
      const magicNumbers = [1, 2];
      const fn = (magicA, magicB) => {
        assert.deepEqual(magicNumbers[0], magicA);
        assert.deepEqual(magicNumbers[1], magicB);
    it('pass an array of numbers to Math.max()', function() {
      const max = Math.max(...[23, 0, 42, 41]);
      assert.equal(max, 42);


Koan es6katas, 19: rest – with-destructuring

// 19: rest - with-destructuring
// To do: make all tests pass, leave the assert lines unchanged!

describe('rest with destructuring', () => {
  it('rest parameter must be last', () => {
    const [...all] = [1, 2, 3, 4];
    assert.deepEqual(all, [1, 2, 3, 4]);
  it('assign rest of an array to a variable', () => {
    const [first,...all] = [1, 2, 3, 4];
    assert.deepEqual(all, [2, 3, 4]);
  // the following are actually using `spread` ... oops, to be fixed
  it('concat differently', () => {
    const theEnd = [3, 4];
    const allInOne = [1, 2, ...theEnd];
    assert.deepEqual(allInOne, [1, 2, 3, 4]);
  it('`apply` made simple, even for constructors', () => {
    const theDate = [2015, 1, 1];
    const date = new Date(...theDate);
    assert.deepEqual(new Date(2015, 1, 1), date);


Koan es6katas, 67: object-literal – setter

// 67: object-literal - setter
// To do: make all tests pass, leave the assert lines unchanged!

describe('An object literal can also contain setters', () => {

  describe('defining: a setter', function() {
    it('by prefixing the property with `set` (and make it a function)', function() {
      let theX = null;
      const obj = {
        set x(newX) { theX = newX; }
      obj.x = 'the new X';
      assert.equal(theX, 'the new X');
    it('must have exactly one parameter', function() {
      let setterCalledWith = void 0;
      const obj = {
        set x(value) { // <<<<=== it's not a setter yet! 
          if (arguments.length === 1) {
            setterCalledWith = arguments[0];
      assert.equal(obj.x = 'new value', setterCalledWith);
    it('can be a computed property (an expression enclosed in `[]`)', function() {
      const publicPropertyName = 'x';
      const privatePropertyName = '_' + publicPropertyName;
      let theX;
      const obj = {
        [privatePropertyName]: null,
        set [publicPropertyName](value){
          this[privatePropertyName] = value;}
      obj.x = 'axe';
      assert.equal(obj._x, 'axe');

  describe('working with/on the setter', function() {
    it('you can use `delete` to remove the property (including it`s setter)', function() {
      let setterCalled = false;
      const obj = {
        set x(param) { setterCalled = true; }
      // delete the property x here, to make the test pass
      delete obj.x;
      obj.x = true;
      assert.equal(setterCalled, false);
  // TODO
  // The following dont seem to work in the current transpiler version
  // but should be correct, as stated here https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Functions/set
  // It might be corrected later, new knowledge welcome.
  // it('must not overlap with a pure property', function() {
  //   const obj = {
  //     x: 1,
  //     set x(val) { return 'ax'; }
  //   };
  //   assert.equal(obj.x, 'ax');
  // });
  // it('multiple `set` for the same property are not allowed', function() {
  //   const obj = {
  //     x: 1,
  //     set x(v) { return 'ax'; },
  //     set x(v) { return 'ax1'; }
  //   };
  //   assert.equal(obj.x, 'ax');
  // });